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CIL and Affordable Housing Policy Viability Assessments

PPS3, and now NPPF, acknowledges the importance of Local Planning Authorities considering development economics in setting targets for the amount of affordable housing to be provided. The targets should reflect an assessment of the likely economic viability of housing land taking into account risks to delivery and drawing on informed assessments of the likely levels of finance available for affordable housing, including public subsidy and the level of developer contribution that can reasonably be secured. Adams Integra is a market leader in CIL and Affordable Housing Policy Viability Assessments. Our work in this area has been subjected to LDF Core Strategy Examination and Local Plan Inquiry scrutiny. Through our work we are able to reinforce a local authority’s wider policy approach by examining tenure mix, subsidy alternatives (both public and developer-led) and the wider planning infrastructure burdens on site(s).

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